8 Ways to Beat Morning Sickness


Many pregnant women feel sick or nauseous during early pregnancy. In most cases, the symptoms are mild you won’t need to seek any further treatment. In more severe cases, however, an anti-sickness medicine can sometimes be helpful.

Causes of Morning Sickness

There is no scientific evidence for the exact causes of morning sickness. However, it is thought to be a result of the many changes occurring within your body. Some of the more common suggestions include:

  • An Increase in Oestrogen. Though other hormones could be playing a part.Oestrogen levels increases rapidly during the early stages of pregnancy
  • Sensitivity to Odours. An enhanced sense which some mother develop during pregnancy may sometimes trigger a ‘gag reflex’
  • Lack of Nutrition. Your body may be lacking vitamin B6 which can also cause morning sickness. You can find good sources of Vitamin B6 in Cod, Oatmeal, Bread, Milk and Peanuts

8 ways to alleviate morning sickness

1. Eating small meals but more frequently

Foods which are high in carbohydrate are best (e.g., rice and bread). Some people say that morning sickness is made worse by not eating anything at all. If you eat some food regularly, it may help to you’re your symptoms.

2. Add some ginger to your life

Some studies have shown that taking ginger tablets or syrup may be effective in relieving nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Some women claim that eating a piece of ginger or a ginger biscuit about 20 minutes before they get up in the morning has helped their symptoms. However, you should take care as the quality of ginger products varies and they are not closely regulated in the UK. Before you take a ginger product, you should discuss this with your pharmacist or your GP.

3. Run away from triggers

Some women find that a trigger can set off morning sickness (e.g., a distinct smell or emotional stress). If possible, avoid exposure to anything that may trigger your symptoms. If your triggers include the smell of certain food, cold meals may be a better option for you.

4. Keep hydrated

Avoiding dehydration may help too. Drinking little and often rather than large amounts may help to prevent vomiting. Try and aim to drink at least two litres of fluid a day. Water is probably the best drink if you are feeling sick. Cold and sweet drinks can make symptoms worse for some people.

5. Stay rested

Make sure that you have plenty of rest and sleep during early pregnancy. Being tired is thought to make the symptoms of nausea and vomiting worse during pregnancy.

6. Try some Acupressure

Some studies have shown that P6 (wrist) acupressure may be effective for relieving nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Acupressure is the application of pressure only and does not rely on needles (unlike acupuncture). You don’t have to look too far for some instant acupressure relief. Most chemists will have bands available that you can wear on your wrist with a plastic nodule that gently presses the acupressure points against nausea.

7. Get some fresh air

Open the windows or go and sit outside. Also, be sure to take regular short walks outdoors. Central heating could be making you feel worse.

8. Nibble on crackers

Keep a supply of cream crackers or water biscuits with you and nibble on them throughout the day.

If your nausea and vomiting does not stop, you may need to be admitted to a hospital so that doctors can assess your condition and give you the right treatment which will protect your health and that of your baby.

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