Getting to know Ishaq Bin Omran Medical Center

ishaq bin omran medical center

In this article, we interview Ishaq Bin Omran Medical Center, a multi-speciality health care center in Al Qarayen, located in Sharjah. They offer a comprehensive range of medical and dental services and pride themselves on having a very high and international standard of care to each and every patient.

1. What is the ethos of your clinic? 

At IBO Medical Centre, we believe in the practice of ethical medicine, using an integrative approach that views a patient’s concerns from all angles. 

We pursue the science of medicine at its finest, but we also pursue at its fullest, the art of creating happiness, and good health, for our clients.

Along with top-quality clinical care, we also understand the importance of underlining our every effort with compassion and responsiveness, the two fundamental principles of effective healthcare, and these values are at the heart of who we are and what we do.
We are dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all the communities that we have an impact upon and who use our facilities. We are guided in this endeavor by our values of Responsibility, Ethics, Respectfulness, Innovation and Community Help, which will fulfil our aim of becoming a leading healthcare provider in Sharjah and rank amongst the UAE’s most trusted healthcare organizations.

At IBO, we pursue the science of medicine at its finest, but we also pursue at its fullest, the art of creating happiness, and good health, for our clients.

2. What conditions and treatments do you specialise in?

The following are our departments and specialisations:

  • Internal medicine
  • Endocrinology & Diabetes
  • ENT
  • General Practice
  • Dietician
  • Medical and cosmetic dentistry
  • Radiology
  • Laboratory
  • Dermatology
  • Orthopaedic
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology
  • Psychiatry
  • Pharmacy
  • Paediatrics
  • Physiotherapy
  • Cardiology
  • Pulmonology

3. What makes you stand out as a clinic?

IBO Medical Centre’s focus is on treating the whole person rather than simply concentrating on the immediate problem and expediting a prescription for it. For example, a client who comes to us to be treated for weight loss is also helped by our nutritionist and in-house chef with advice on how to tailor their diet and pick the right cooking methods to optimize their weight management. 

We consider each patient a priority because, in truth, every individual’s discomfort and illness is of urgent concern, and cannot be seconded to anything and anyone else.

While tending to our patients with the utmost care, we also remain engaged with the patients’ families as we understand their anxieties and our responsibilities in addressing them.

4. Can you tell us about a success story where you treated a particularly difficult case?

S.B., a woman in her 50s, was suffering from hot flushes and was extremely worried about how she would cope with menopause. Her worry was leading her to stress about her age and on many days her hot flushes tended to get worse, thus trapping her in a stress-related cycle of trigger and response. 

At IBO, our gynaecologist pursues the first line of treatment with evidence-based medicine.  While many patients with menopausal symptoms say that they would like to adopt an alternative medicine route, the fact remains that if a medicine, whatever its realm may be, is not thoroughly researched as a dose and its effects and side-effects tabulated and confirmed, it is a risk to administer it. Specialists at IBO strictly adhere to this principle. For instance, even if herbal drinks are to be advised, they will be the approved ones and not formulations that are promoted by lore and legend.

Additionally, S.B. would be advised to take up yoga and exercise suitable to her age to lower her stress, have a healthy diet, and we are always glad to have her take the advice of our in-house chef for a diet plan so she can maintain her prescribed weight. Even advice like drinking 3 litres of water a day to ensure the medication is being adequately processed by the body is a detail that is not to be missed out.

While it is important to take on board a patient’s view of healing and choices, we also believe that investing time in educating them of the credibility of scientific proof and making them aware of the dangers of propagated claims is also our responsibility.

5. How do you keep up-to-date with the latest research and technology?

Our specialists are passionate about keeping in step with the latest developments in their respective fields. Our dermatology department, for example, draws clients from far and near due to its commitment to using the most advanced and state-of-the-art skin treatments. We use the Q1 Ultraformer 3, which is based on a technology called the High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), for skin tightening that uses ultrasound energy to encourage the skin to step up its collagen production, which results in firmer skin. This is a much sought-after procedure at IBO.

6. As a clinic, you are engaging in patient feedback with Doctify – what importance do you place on patient feedback? 

We place absolute importance on patient feedback because it is a vital determinant of our success and our goals. It is a fundamental element in our approach to medicine and we value its role in helping us serve the community better.

7. How do you think the wider medical field is adapting to a more connected and informed patient?

We believe it has its pros and cons. The advantages are undeniable, but it is also incumbent upon the patient, who has access to unlimited information, not all of which is correct, or even if correct, not all of which is applicable to them, to process the surfeit of information judiciously.

The patient’s preparedness to answer the doctor’s questions and help the latter get to the root of the medical/health problem has certainly become enhanced and in some ways, it helps doctors connect with patients with greater clarity. The mutual sharing of information, guided by the doctors’ knowledge, can lead to more efficient processes of diagnosis and treatment. But, as we said, the easy availability of information can also be a disadvantage as it can misguide a patient into believing they have all the answers.

The idea of benefitting from a more connected and information-based world for patients, we believe, is to be able to find the balance; they should use the information as a means to allow the doctor to do their best.

For more information about Ishaq Bin Omran Medical Center, such as reviews and to book an appointment, you can click the button below.

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