Here at Doctify we’re committed to helping your clinic achieve above and beyond what is set out in the Dubai Health Strategy 2021 plan.
With 2021 just around the corner and clinics reopening after the Coronavirus COVID-19 situation, now is a good time to look at your clinic as a clean slate as to how you are in line to achieve those goals.
Delivering excellent patient care & patient happiness is one of the core 3 goals of the 2021 strategy. We know that the delivery of patient care is exemplary in Dubai, and that other international patients look to Dubai, and need reassurance that they will be looked after. Medical tourism relies on trusting that they will receive the best possible care.
Program 10 of the strategy is critical.
The program promotes excellence in healthcare service delivery in Dubai while enhancing patient happiness, experience, satisfaction and trust. This program is also included in the overall mission of the 2021 strategy which is ‘fostering innovative and integrated care models and by enhancing community engagement.’
Here’s where we believe technology can be a tool to achieve this goal.
Patient happiness, satisfaction, trust and community engagement needs to be measurable and recorded. Measuring these parameters can prove difficult without technological input.
How do you measure community engagement for my clinic?
Well, you can make a start with how many people have come through to your clinic. Combine data from your chosen practice management software solution with your feedback you’ve collected from Doctify. This can give you a good idea of what percentage of your patients not only give you constructive feedback, but how they’re engaging with your clinic. Another easy way to engage with your local community is by sponsoring local events or by donating to local initiatives that support your community.

How do you measure patient happiness, satisfaction, and trust?
A key marker of excellent quality healthcare is not only the medical outcome you achieve as a practitioner, but how satisfied the patient is with the level of care they received.
The only way to measure patient happiness and satisfaction is to get their feedback. Review platforms like ours allow you to get an unfettered view into what the care you have provided to your patient, and what it looks like from their perspective.
You can not measure patient satisfaction and happiness by simply asking them face to face. With a review platform, you are able to get a verified unbiased review from the patient without pressure. Helping them post a review anonymously, but in a trusted manner will allow them to truly give fair feedback.
Patients may not be satisfied with a number of things that occur in clinic. These can range from discrepancies around clinic cleanliness, to discrepancies around how they have been treated in your care. It is imperative that you treat all patient feedback seriously.
Doctify ensures that defamation online is not possible, as patients are only allowed to place feedback on the care they received, and not the medical outcome. Even if a less than favourable review is placed, we will not publish anything online that can be considered defamatory under Dubai Law.
This leads onto trust. Trust within healthcare systems is primarily down to how transparent you can make your process to your patients. Fully outlining and providing an expectation of care are things that can reinforce your clinic as world-class. Patients can be anxious about their conditions, and reassurance can be provided from other patients in the form of externally validated reviews. While it will not bring a full 100% expectation of the level of care they can receive, it can help ease their anxieties about what to expect in the clinic.
Your staff and fellow colleagues are experts and being able to externally validate this expertise through patient reviews is key to building trust with patients.

Innovative and integrated are models are also part of Vision 2021 for Dubai
We believe that innovation and technology go hand in hand when it comes to upgrading care models for clinics. At the heart of it all is the medical professional – patient relationship. Technology and their systems are all part of facilitating this relationship.
Continuous improvement of care can be measured and tracked by those who have received care from your clinic, i.e, your patients. Without their feedback, you will be missing a key part of the doctor – patient relationship.
With their feedback, you will be able to see gaps in clinic care, able to see ways in which improvements can be made and areas in which you already excel. By constantly benchmarking the level of care you provide with patient reviews, this will enable you to constantly improve your level of care which is ultimately beneficial for your patients and clinic.