The Doctify blog - latest articles


For Patients

Written by Dr Rajiv Malhotra for Doctify When your condition is invisible, its often hard to convince people of ....

For Patients

Featuring Mr Mahantesh Karoshi for Doctify If you’ve been anywhere near the internet/a newspaper/all the social media channels, you’ll ....

For Patients

Written by Catherine Hales for Doctify Travelling to work on the Tube every day can be a nuisance. But ....


Written by Dr Sajjad Rajpar for Doctify Thinning hair has always been acknowledged as a traditionally male problem. This ....

For Patients

Whether you’re trying for a child or are recently pregnant (congrats!), finding the perfect specialist to guide you on ....

For Patients

Written by Dr Bhavna Jaiswal for Doctify We all know that one scene in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. No, ....

For Patients

Featuring Dr Yiannis Kallis for Doctify Gallstones are not pleasant and knowing how to spot them can be incredibly ....


Featuring Dr Nicholas Pantazopoulos for Doctify Cardiologist Dr Nicholas Pantazopoulos shares his expertise and clears up the difference between ....

For Patients

Written by Catherine Hales for Doctify Whether you spend all your time trawling through NetDoctor for medical tidbits or ....