Kate Middleton Risks Worse Morning Sickness with Third Baby

morning sickness
Featuring Mr Mahantesh Karoshi for Doctify

If you’ve been anywhere near the internet/a newspaper/all the social media channels, you’ll know that Kate Middleton is pregnant. The Duchess of Cambridge, who is already mother to Prince George (aged four years) and Princess Charlotte (aged two years) is 12 weeks pregnant with her third child.

The body goes through many changes when carrying a child, some of them welcome and others more challenging. During her first pregnancy, Kate was forced to share the news early due to suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum.

What is hyperemesis gravidarium (HG)?

Morning sickness a common side effect of pregnancy that affects around 7 out of every 10 women. The nausea usually passes after week 14 but for some women it lasts longer.

Hyperemesis gravidarium, however, is severe nausea and vomiting; women who suffer from this often can’t keep any food down at all and will sometimes need to be hospitalised.

Does it happen in second and third pregnancies?

According to obstetrician and gynaecologist, Mr Mahantesh Karoshi, subsequent pregnancies can be even more difficult.

“In women who have suffered recurrent bouts of severe morning sickness, studies suggest a markedly higher recurrence risk (80%) of severe nausea and vomiting in subsequent pregnancies,” Karoshi said.

This appears to be the case with Kate, who once again announced her pregnancy early due to missing an engagement.

Mr Karoshi adds that, “Although the risk for hospitalisation in subsequent pregnancies is likely to be lower, morning sickness can get progressively worse.” Hopefully Kate will feel better soon but at least she will have access to the best care.

If you would like to find out more about booking a specialist to help you through your pregnancy, click here.

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