The Key to Losing Weight and Keeping it Off in the New Year

losing weight
Written by Centennial Medical Care for Doctify

Ah, dieting. Most of us have been there. The good intentions, the healthy eating plan, the optimism – only to plunge face forward into a devil’s food chocolate cake two weeks later. It can make you feel like a failure, especially these days when you’re assailed on all sides by clean eating, world travelling Instagram models who seem to exist on a diet of sunshine and the occasional guava.

Not to mention the fact that the global weight loss industry was worth a whopping $158.2 billion in 2015. Wellbeing brands and lifestyle gurus depend on diets not lasting all the while keeping us insecure about how we look.

Having said all this, losing weight can seriously improve our health. Its a good idea and is especially important if you fall into the category of obese. Obviously there’s no magic wand you can wave to suddenly lose three stone but Centennial Medical Care offers a service that supports you through the weight loss journey. The aim here is a sustainable change rather than fad food trends and crash diets.

Centennial Medical Care (CMC) describe how they work to help people reduce their weight below.

What is obesity and how can I tell if I am obese?

A few facts and figures:

  • In 2015, 58% of women and 68% of men in the UK were overweight or obese
  • Obesity prevalence increased from 15% in 1993 to 27% in 2015
  • Overweight and obesity are terms that refer to an excess of body fat and they usually relate to increased weight-for-height.
  • One in 4 adults in England obese
  • A further 42% men are overweight
  • The overweight figure for women in 32%

The most common method of measuring obesity is the Body Mass Index (BMI). In adults, a BMI of 25kg/m² to 29.9kg/m² means that person is considered to be overweight, a BMI of 30kg/m² or higher means that person is considered to be obese. There has been a massive increase in the last 8 years.

A BMI of 30-35 cuts life expectancy up to 4 years and a BMI of 40+ cuts life expectancy up to 10 years.

What health risks accompany obesity?

Obese patients are at an increased risk for developing many medical problems, called comorbidities including:  

  • Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus  
  • Hypertension
  • Dyslipidaemia
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Stroke
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Gallbladder disease  
  • Hyperuricemia and gout
  • Osteoarthritis

What is the solution?

CMC have developed a weight loss management plan to help you reduce your BMI and your risk of developing weight associated medical problems or reduce the impact of these problems. We understand that a sustainable weight loss is a combination of excellent medical support possibly with medication, together with maybe psychological support.

The GP lead plan is over a 6 month period with regular check-ups every two weeks to ensure you are achieving your goals. We have a great team of GP’s, HCA’s, dieticians and psychologists to help you on your journey to a healthier and longer life.

Book an appointment at Centennial Medical Care

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