Our Guide to Women’s Health on International Women’s Day

international women's day
Written by Catherine Hales for Doctify

Happy International Women’s Day, everyone! This year, celebrating IWD feels extra special as we remember the Suffragettes, who fought for and won the fight for the right vote 100 years ago. There are so many different ways to get empowered these days, living as we do in the age of Beyoncé and the Time’s Up movement. One way to do this is to take charge of your own health and to stay informed about the possible things your body can go through as a woman.

In honour of this year’s International Women’s Day, we have rounded up 12 of our most informative articles around the subject of women’s health. If you want to book an appointment with any of our brilliant specialists, please click here.

1. 5 Reasons to Choose Organic Tampons for your Next Period

More and more women are choosing to switch to organic tampons, pads and liners. But why are they choosing to make this change? And what is the difference?

2. Why Should I Vaccinate My Daughter Against HPV?

HPV is relatively common, affecting 1 in 10 women at some stage in their lives and many women live with it without ever knowing they’ve had it as their immune system fights the virus successfully. But in a small percentage of cases HPV lingers and can go on to cause cervical abnormalities and even cervical cancer.  So, is it worth making sure your daughter has the vaccine just in case?

3. How to find the Perfect Specialist for Conceiving and Pregnancy

Whether you’re trying for a child or are recently pregnant (congrats!), finding the perfect specialist to guide you on your journey through conceiving, pregnancy itself and giving birth is very important.

4. Cervical Cancer: Know the Facts

Even though cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women under 35 screening rates are at a 20-year low. We asked a consultant gynaecologist at Nuada Group to tell us more about cervical screening.

5. What Causes Ovulation Pain and How do You Treat It?

Menstrual cramps are bad enough but some women are actually suffering twice a month. Ovulation pain which, fun fact, is also known as Mittelschmerz (a German word literally meaning ‘middle pain’), can be debilitating. Luckily, there are ways to counteract the effects.

6. Acne and Irregular Periods? You Could Have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) can have some pretty devastating effects. These can range from physical symptoms, like acne or weight gain, to psychological damage or anxiety. Most importantly, any woman of any age can be diagnosed with it.

7. Endometriosis or Just a Painful Period?

Painful periods are something many women suffer through every month. Whether you find relief from ibuprofen or yoga, applied heat or the coil, the pain can be a life-disrupting burden. But have you ever wondered if what you’re going through is normal? Or could it be something more serious?

8. Women’s Health: Do You Say the Word Vagina Enough?

It’s not a conversation you have every day – but how do you feel about your vagina? If you’re already blushing or squirming, you’re not alone. New research, released to coincide with Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month last month, found that 65 per cent of women are too embarrassed to say the word “vagina”.

9. Why Women get UTIs and How to Avoid Them

If you’re a woman, you have probably experienced the feeling of dread and dismay that comes with contracting UTIs. You know that days of discomfort are ahead of you and that no amount of chugging cranberry juice will help.

10. 5 Medical Reasons to Give Up Your Seat for a Pregnant Woman

We’ve all seen it. Some of us may even have been guilty of it. A heavily pregnant woman wearing the now ubiquitous ‘Baby On Board’ badge being ignored by a carriage full of commuters. On a day when you’ve been on your feet for hours or have a headache, you may feel a little a flash of resentment. Why should you  have to give up your seat? Can standing really do a pregnant woman any harm?

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