What causes Ovulation Pain and How do you Treat It?

ovulation pain
Written by Mr Narendra Pisal for Doctify

Menstrual cramps are bad enough but some women are actually suffering twice a month. Ovulation pain which, fun fact, is also known as Mittelschmerz (a German word literally meaning ‘middle pain’), can be debilitating. Luckily, there are ways to counteract the effects.

Here to tell us how to spot ovulation pain, what causes it and how best to treat it is Mr Narendra Pisal, one of Doctify’s leading Obstetrician and Gynaecologists.

What exactly is ovulation pain?

A lot of women can pinpoint ovulation in their cycle by recognising some of the symptoms, such as more mucous discharge or pelvic pain. This pain associated with ovulation can sometimes be intense and may make you sit up and take notice. Usually it lasts for a few hours to a day, and responds to simple painkillers. It may alternate sides depending on which ovary you ovulate from.

When does is happen in the menstrual cycle?

It usually happens exactly midcycle in a 28 day cycle. If the cycles are shorter or longer it will usually happen 14 days before the next period. It coincides with the egg being released from corresponding ovary. This is associated with some bleeding and also release of some fluid. This can irritate the sensitive lining of abdomen (peritoneum) and cause pain.

Where in your body are you most likely to feel the pain?

The pain is usually in the groin or lower abdominal area and may radiate down to the corresponding leg.

Does it happen at the same time every month?

It may not necessarily happen every month as it depends on how ‘explosive’ the ovulation is. In a regular cycle, it is likely to happen at the same time every month. You can also use ovulation-prediction apps such as Period Tracker to see if the pain coincides with the time of ovulation.

Is there anything that can potentially make ovulation pain more painful?

Endometriosis can definitely make ovulation pain worse as the ovaries may be less mobile which may lead to trapping of blood and fluid released during ovulation.

Can I get rid of it all together?

Taking the contraceptive pill (and also certain minipills) will block ovulation and hence is a good solution to this monthly problem.

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