Video Marketing For Your Medical or Dental Practice

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Written with Back The Brave for Doctify

Video marketing is the single most powerful way of connecting a ‘human’ element before patients come to your medical or dental clinic. Healthcare is all about personal interaction, compassion and empathy.  Yet on the outside, hospitals & practices can fail to communicate this and as a result miss they miss out on opportunities.  Videos for your medical or dental clinic solves this problem in a cost-effective and sustainable way. Each and every health specialist deserves to build a first-class reputation that truly allows them to shine.

The power of video testimonials for patients

Videos are proven to be much more effective than text. In today’s world, we are fixated on online reviews and we base our opinions on those that have experienced services before us. Booking a restaurant or hotel is a simple example.

With healthcare complexities, testimonials and reviews from other patients are critical in a decision-making process when choosing between specialists.

Something as simple as having clinicians reading out a review of someone who has experienced them shouldn’t be overlooked.  This is a simple and powerful way of capitalising on the assets that many doctors already have, without the need to invite clients in to speak on camera, which can prove difficult as patients may not want to be shown on camera. So many doctors beam with pride when reading out their testimonials which really cement the trust factor for future patients, it also shows future patients you really do strive to provide the best care.  Be proud of what you stand for.

The formula for success

Videos work best when they educate, promote, and inform future patients about the level of care they can expect to receive from you. Interviewing medical specialists and dental specialists and asking a series of questions that would be on most potential patients’ minds is a starting point. Each question can be made into short 1-2 min videos, creating a series of shorter videos, instead of one long video. For example: Why did you want to become a doctor? What motivates and excites you? Can you describe your specialty? What myths can you debunk? Why are you booked so far in advance for your practice? These questions help solidify your reputation in a credible way for future patients to choose you.

Can videos improve conversion for my practice?

The key is to make the patient experience quick, simple and memorable – video marketing for your medical or dental clinic solves this problem.  There is nothing more frustrating than a practice getting website traffic, but failing to generate a conversion.  This all comes down to communication, or most often a lack of it. Gone are the days of having a website with pages of text, and expecting that to be enough. Driven and motivated healthcare specialists actually have a golden opportunity as not everyone will make the move into video marketing. Many people believe that their reputation is enough.  But remember reputation isn’t what you think of yourself, it’s what others think of you. Those that back themselves to solidify and build their reputation with video marketing as an external trust source, like testimonial videos, will shine above the competition and reap the benefits of their investment for years to come.


Does video content marketing improve SEO, can it improve SEO for my practice?

Yes. Video marketing creates assets that can be keyworded and used not just on your own website, but across a variety of platforms. After Google, Youtube is the second biggest search engine used today.  Back The Brave insist that all of our healthcare specialists create a Youtube channel and upload all of their videos.  This helps drive their SEO and ensures that the assets they have invested in are working 24/7 for them.

What is the return on investment for video marketing?

Investing in video marketing for your medical or dental clinic is without a doubt one of the most essential and cost-effective decisions you can make. You are investing in a series of assets that you will own. Many organisations invest in staff to grow their business. It could take years to justify a positive return on investment by hiring a marketing assistant. 

What you would pay for a few months’ salary for a staff member, you can instead invest in a series of assets that you own for life.  So many health specialists find that once they have invested, it’s not just the spike in patient conversions they experience, because surrounding opportunities start to become easier to attain. Public speaking bookings, to publishing deals, to becoming a guest columnist writer, once you have invested in your profile, there are no limitations. 


How can practices use video marketing for successful campaigns?

Check out some of the incredible specialists they have helped:

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